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Introducing the new LCS Jet!


Lift Foils 2021 Year in Review


The best videos and events of Lift Foils eFoils and Surf Foils in 2021.

To the Lift Family,

Thank you for all your support this year, this has been an enormous year not just for Lift and our partners, but for the foiling and eFoiling community worldwide.

We released the LIft3, our most high-tech, and popular eFoil yet.

And watching down winding take-off in the foiling community.

And most importantly, we got to share our passion for the incredible feeling of foiling with you, and every member of the Lift Family worldwide.Thanks for an incredible year, and we’ll see you out on the water in 2022.

Nick Leason
Founder, Lift Foils

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