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LCS Folding Propeller 2.0

499,00 $US
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Do you have the LCS Propeller Kit and want another propeller option? Then this is for you! The LCS Folding Propeller 2.0 is designed for increased efficiency, less drag, and optimal performance when feathering on and off the throttle while riding waves. 


The LCS Folding Propeller 2.0 is designed for increased efficiency, less drag, and optimal performance. We updated the form factor of the propeller blades, to improve ride performance in surf, making the propeller smooth and surfable. Riders will especially feel the difference when feathering on and off the throttle while riding waves. This is Nick’s new favorite propeller, and a great addition to the LCS lineup. 


Like all of our LCS products, the LCS Folding Propeller 2.0 is compatible with all Lift eFoils. 


Note: This is the LCS Folding Propeller only. You must have an LCS Base Plate installed on your eFoil to use this propeller. Kit can be found here. 


Note: If used without a shroud, this propeller can be dangerous and is for advanced riders only! Riding with a propeller without a protective cover greatly increases the risk of injury and/or death.

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